Lewis Forrest Bates
Email: lfbates42@tntech.edu
GitHub: https://github.com/LFB1937
Personal Website: http://lewisforrestbates.com
Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville, TN May 2022 to May 2026
Bachelor of Science / Computer Engineering GPA: 2.8
Computer Science
CSC 1300: Intro to Computer Programming with C++
CSC 1310: Data Structures and Algorithms with Advanced C++
CSC 2400: Design of Algorithms and Advanced Data Structures with C++
CSC 4093 Special Topics—Embedded Systems Analysis
Designed, implemented, and evaluated an embedded system, including a Cybersecurity attack surface analysis.
Obtained an understanding of professional, ethical, legal, security, and social issues and responsibilities.
Acquired an ability to use current techniques, skills, and tools necessary for computing practice.
Achieved an understanding of how to function effectively in a team to accomplish a common goal.
Computer and Electrical Engineering
ECE 2140: Intro to Digital Systems Design
Worked in a small group to complete 9 labs involving basic hardware, logic functions, and FSMs.
For our end of semester design project, our team was asked to design a hardware project that cycled through an FSM and displayed the results on a 7-segment display. Throughout the project, we kept notes on the stages of design, the problems we encountered, and the areas that still required improvement. Together we coordinated when design phases had to be completed and where either of us where currently at in the project. At the end of the project, we were asked to present our work for how we solved the problem, and solicit feedback from the TA.
ECE 3130: Microcomputer Systems and architecture
Formed teams to complete 8 labs involving ARM assembly language and computer architecture.
For our semester project, we programmed a micro-controller to interface with the LCD, a 7-segment display, and an external keypad attached by a ribbon cable in order to create a digital lock system.
ECE 2050: Circuits Design and Analysis 1
ECE 3050: Circuits Design and Analysis 2
ECE 3140: Digital Systems Design
Worked in teams to complete 8 labs involving accelerometers, Rotary Encoders, VGA, and using VHDL to program FPGAs.
Formed a team to design 7 Implementations of PONG, the retro video game, and prove our design met the intended functionality requirements but also exceeded them by creating bonus features to enhance user experience. When we began, we started by writing out the features all of the implementations had in common, this would allow us to reuse several sections of code and aid us in the timeliness of development. When we were developing the score-keeping features, we had to figure out what how the numbers were supposed to look, how to deal with rounding errors, and how to ensure the numbers would be visible while the background changed all the while ensuring the ball remained visible and did not wander off of the screen.
ECE 4140: Embedded System Design
Engaged in hands-on labs and team-based projects using the Raspberry Pi Pico & Pico 2 as the target device in addition to using the EDUBase development breakout board as the prototype board. Labs included working with UART, ADCs, I2C, as well as the keyboard and various sensors on the EDUBase board.
Used version control software Git/GitHub to test and deploy possible bug fixes and make improvements across a team of 5 engineers.
Conducted an in-depth dissection and analysis of a Johnson Building Materials Calculator, producing a comprehensive report with detailed schematics, bill of materials (BoM), and operational diagrams.
My analysis can be found at this webpage: http://jwbruce.info/teaching/ece4140/dissect/049448225217/
MITRE Embedded System CTF Competition (ECTF) – Hardware Engineer
January 2024 - May 2024
Placed in the 86 th percentile of competitors as first-year competitors.
Deployed security fixes to comply with competition requirements for a large embedded C/C++ code base.
Researched, tried, debugged and attempted to properly implement various methods for defensive and offensive measures within embedded systems.
Used version control software Git/GitHub to test and deploy possible bug fixes and make improvements across a team of.
Used several collaboration platforms ( MSTeams / Slack / Discord ) to schedule meetings and coordinate tasks and team requirements.
Debugged hardware issues using the MAX7800FTHR as the target hardware.
Read I2C data streams through logic anlayzers to gain Password Hashes, replacement tokens, and User PINs.
MITRE Embedded System CTF Competition (ECTF) – Hardware Engineer
January 2025 - May 2025
currently competing
Center for Career Development
Gold Career Ready Certification Recipient Fall 2022
Semester long process of learning various aspects of how leadership, teamwork, Critical thinking, communication and campus involvement that uniquely prepared me for the world of work. Certification is based on NACE Career Readiness Competencies and rewarded for campus involvement and attendance at workshops and job fairs.
Purple Career Ready Certification Recipient Fall 2024
Certification rewards students for active campus participation and attendance at job fairs and workshops designed to assist with career readiness and skill development in area such as critical thinking, teamwork, communication, leadership, time management, and conflict resolution. Based on NACE Career Competencies.
Work Experience
Technology & Engineering Related
(CESR) Center for Energy Systems Research for Tennessee Tech, Cookeville, TN
Undergraduate Assistant Engineer , Part-Time, October 2024 to Current
Collaborated in a dynamic research environment with international MS and PhD candidates to develop and present innovative solutions for power systems and microgrid challenges, fulfilling rigorous research and contractual obligations.
Applied critical thinking and analytical skills to rebuild, create, and enhance Typhoon HIL simulations, ensuring precision in solving complex technical problems.
This role demanded effective teamwork, cross-cultural collaboration, technical expertise, and the ability to convey complex findings to diverse audiences.
Demonstrated proficiency in operating and debugging advanced hardware and software systems, including:
Typhoon HIL Simulators (604 and 606): Utilized Hardware-in-the-Loop simulators for debugging and optimizing simulations.
Typhoon HIL Modular HIL Connect: Conducted comprehensive testing and debugging of Devices Under Test (DUTs) with modern connection modules.
Typhoon HIL HIL Connect: Transitioned older simulations for compatibility with updated Modular units, showcasing adaptability in evolving technological contexts.
`Typhoon HIL Breakout Board: Leveraged advanced diagnostic tools, such as DMMs and Rigol Oscilloscopes, to align simulation signals with corresponding output pins.
SEL Real-Time Automation Controller (RTAC): Managed SCADA operations to streamline real-time data communication in simulations.
HIOKI Power Quality Analyzer (PQA) PQ3198: Acquired and analyzed simulation data for performance optimization.
HIOKI GENNECT ONE and PQ ONE Software: Monitored, recorded, and analyzed data, generating detailed reports to ensure data quality and accuracy.
Rigol MSO1104Z: Debugged signal values and types using diverse probes and attachments.
Python: Developed system variables, network protocols, and simulation-specific functions, demonstrating technical acumen and adaptability in programming.
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B: Engineered a 4G cellular network interface to bypass institutional network protocols, enhancing system connectivity and real-world data integration.
DMM (Digital Multimeter): Diagnosed and debugged AC and DC signals across various Typhoon HIL devices.
Information Technology Services for Tennessee Tech, Cookeville, TN
Student Worker, Part-Time, July 2024 to September 2024
Serviced outdated technology and coordinated surplus runs to properly dispose of it.
Helped successfully resolve student and faculty technology issues in a timely manner.
Performed routine maintenance and functionality checks on technology in several laboratories.
CEROC GenCyber Summer Hack-a-thon for Tennessee Tech, Cookeville, TN
Student Worker, Part-Time, May 2024 to June 2024
Collaborated with a small group of student for 8 weeks to create educational puzzles designed to teach elementary and middle school children about Cybersecurity and basic technology.
Electrical Engineering related Licenses and Certifications
Amateur Radio License (Technician Level)
Demonstrates technical proficiency and practical knowledge in radio communication systems, including signal processing and network protocols.
Exhibits the ability to operate and maintain radio equipment under FCC regulations, while also showcasing strong understanding of electrical engineering principles and communication protocols.
Reinforces communication and problem-solving skills in real-world scenarios that are applicable to the scope of electrical engineering.
JML Properties, Atoka, TN
Co-Owner, 2017 to present
Various Labor
Performed numerous maintenance tasks manufactured houses and rental properties such as minor electrical, fan installation, residential lighting, and general construction.
Coordinated with contractors to ensure materials were delivered in a timely manner and that projects were completed on time.
Elkton Trailers, Pulaski, TN
Co-Owner, 2017 to present
Various Labor
Performed numerous maintenance tasks on manufactured houses and rental properties such as minor electrical, repairing electric stoves, and general construction.
Coordinated with contractors to ensure materials were delivered in a timely manner and that projects were completed on time.
Collegiate Clubs
Association of Computing Machinery
Member, January 2023 to Present
Volunteer Experience
Covington Church of Christ, Covington, TN
Technology Assistant , Volunteer, April 2021 to May 2022
Tuned and set the speaker system and adjusted the inputs for the recording devices. Operated the OBS live stream for the webcasting system. Programmed the projectors and monitoring system to ensure the picture output was correct.
Worked five hours every Sunday that I was on the rotation to make sure all technology needs for the congregation are met in an efficient, organized manner.
Forestview Church of Christ, Memphis, TN
Technology Assistant , Volunteer, January 2017 to April 2021
Made and organized PowerPoints for the music and sermon library. Tuned and set the speaker system and adjusted the inputs to the recording devices.
Worked two hours each Sunday to make sure all technology needs for the congregation are met in an efficient, organized manner.
Sycamore Church of Christ, Cookeville, TN
Audio, Visual, and Livestream Assistant , Volunteer, August 2022 to Present
Worked in an organized rotation between the Audio, Visual and Livestream platforms which are all operated from iPads. Tuned and set the speaker system and adjusted the inputs to the recording devices. Managed the PowerPoint and Projector to coordinate the slides for songs, as well as the sermon. Directed the mixing of visual effects of the Livestream to ensure accurate video quality.
Worked two hours each Sunday to make sure all technology needs for the congregation are met in an efficient, organized manner.